Diversity Statement Instructions for Faculty Applications

Diversity, equity, and inclusion is a core value of SEBS, NJAES, and Rutgers. Please review the SEBS/NJAES Diversity Action Plan (PDF), the RCE Strategic Plan for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (coming soon), and the Rutgers Diversity Action Plan. Engaging in the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion enriches all of us at the university and within our communities to engage with the world and identify challenges and solutions by exposing us to the variety of cultures and social understanding found within our state and country. SEBS/NJAES aims to prepare students, staff, and faculty to work in an increasingly diverse and global society by promoting equity and justice for all individuals. We aim to actively eliminate barriers and obstacles created by institutional and organizational discrimination.

In your application, please describe your experiences with diversity in your research, teaching, service, or community engagement by addressing the following three prompts:

  1. Provide a leadership example of wherein you incorporated the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion into your research, pedagogy, or community engagement.
  2. Describe your potential to support SEBS, NJAES, and Rutgers commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in terms of research or community engagement.
  3. Rutgers University and New Jersey both comprise a diverse population. Discuss your potential to mentor and educate students or community stakeholders (RCE) from a diverse population.