Supporting Our Asian Community

March 26, 2021

Dear SEBS and NJAES community,

I want to take this moment to acknowledge the pain that exists in our community from the hate-filled acts of violence targeting Asian communities and individuals around the U.S. The tragedy in Georgia and the escalation of hate crimes since March of last year call attention to a history of discrimination that we must acknowledge, denounce, and actively counter as we move towards our vision of a beloved community. We stand in solidarity with our Asian faculty, students, staff, and collaborators at SEBS, NJAES, Rutgers, and around the world. We must work together to assure everyone feels safe.

Please consider participating in a Rutgers-sponsored conversation on "Unpacking Hate" that is being offered by the Office of the Senior Vice President for equity today at noon. To learn more and to register, visit

Thank you.


Laura J. Lawson
Interim Executive Dean of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Interim Executive Dean, School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Interim Executive Director, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station